Through in-house development, DraftServ has developed an interactive software platform that seamlessly integrates into daily operations and massively improves your control and visibility in the realm of beverage. By adding smart technologies to regular dispensers, you are able to gain real-time insight into your beverage dispense and sales information. Even today, the majority of operators depend on hand counts and estimation to understand their sales information for beverages. The process has largely been dependent on the vessel than the beverage itself. Despite being massively more profitable, fountain beverage represents a mere 10% of beverage sales globally. When asked operators will often explain that fountain beverage is difficult to manage and quantify, when you factor in labor and waste there is no profit left. BevOS eliminates waste and increases labor efficiency, meaning your staff can facilitate more sales in less time. Every industry leverages technology to improve profits – now the beverage industry can too.
Achieving Success
We do all the hard work to make sure that your project is successful, every step of the way and beyond!

In-house Development
All of our development happens in-house and is driven by customer inputs. The software is refined to suit any need and our extensive experience across industries helps us solve issues you may not even know you have yet!

Experts in Dispense
In the world of self-serve there is no margin for error with poor dispense habits. We understand the best practices, even if you don't - yet! Our team has extensive training in dispense practice, so you don't have to worry about your guests pouring a foamy beer or the like.

On site Support
We understand that this type of technology is very new for our customers, so don't worry we come on site for every activation. We with work with you and your staff to ensure that your launch is successful and everyone has a chance to ask questions in a live environment!